Thursday, April 7, 2011


Yes, I kept my shoes off all day. At times the ground was cold and I’d step out into the sun. They were even cold at night on the wood floor.
This years Barefoot Day was similar to last years and the year before. Cory, Charley and I set out, barefoot, for town. I stopped off at the library to make copies of a flyer I had written up to pass out, informing people of TOMS One for One campaign. I had no trouble from the librarian. Next we stopped off at Publix (grocery store) to go to the bank and pick up a drink. No problems. Off we went to downtown Franklin. We did see one other person with no shoes. We stopped in to a couple of stores and we were asked why we weren’t wearing shoes. Once they were told they thought that was great so didn’t have a problem with our barefeet, even at Starbucks (Charley had to go in for his free cup of coffee.) A lady at the carpet store told Charley he could use the change from his carpet squares to buy some shoes. Ha! We decided to eat at Mellow Mushroom (pizza parlor) but asked permission before we went in. The hostess was nice enough to seat us, looking the other way.
By the end of our outing my feet were quite dirty and a little sore. However, I was fortunate enough to have warm, running water to wash my feet off when I got home, unlike many children around the world. Then at the end of the day, I could turn up the heat in my comfortable house, put on my cozy slippers, or tuck myself into a soft, cozy bed with 3 warm blankets to keep my feet warm. Yes, I have it much too easy. And I’ll probably take some of these things for granted from time to time, but I will definitely try to remember the many children around the world that have no shoes.

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